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WPT Grand Prix de Paris Day 3 Seat Draw, Chip Count and GPI ranks


63 players are left out of the 228 that started the WPT Grand Prix de Paris main event here in France.

After announcing this morning the weekly GPI update where Bertrand Grospellier overtook Jason Mercier for the top spot, the battle should be even more interesting today as both of the players are still in, respectively with 33,900 chips and 140,700 chips. Andrew Lichtenberger (GPI#7) is also still in with 178,600 and in the top ten. He will try to gain a few spots in the Player Of the Year rankings where Erik Cajelais (POY#8) and Kyle Julius (POY#9) are also trying to improve their score.

Chip Leader is Philipp Gruissem (GPI#20) with 280,600. He is also number 2 in the GPI top 100 national rankings for Germany and will try to reach the 1st spot now that Marvin Rettenmaier is out. Juha Helppi and Antony Lellouche are also in today’s top 10.

Here is the seat draw for day 3, with chip counts and GPI ranks:

Rohr Jean-Philippe 5 1 111500 144 1456.94 340 230.97
Kwieck Michael 5 2 75300
Leconte Florian 5 3 75700
Jetten Peter 5 4 156600 710 689.28
Amara Daniel 5 5 167400 10041 79.62
Grospellier Bertrand 5 6 33900 1 2811.07 12 597.93
Quoss Fabian 5 7 178900 457 896.04 2080 79.23
Mercier Jason 5 8 140700 2 2708.51 21 555.99
Fundaro Giacomo 5 9 216000 1896 352.21 6424 30.54
Lichtenberger Andrew 6 1 178600 7 2423.38 5 713.68
Alner Tom 6 2 24600 1168 498.76 626 166.25
Sinnathamby Rabythas 6 3 31800
Cajelais Erik 6 4 97800 61 1851.73 8 639.54
Lopes Bruno 6 5 101800 136 1488.22 50 462.72
Sanioglu Ekrem 6 6 95700 1737 377.14 1152 118.77
Lellouche Antony 6 7 184800 398 962.73 1227 113.73
Jaka Faraz 6 8 157400 184 1316.31 121 367.27
Yaiche Basile 6 9 141700 436 923.96 920
Neumann Marko 7 1 28700 254 1134.61 137 347.65
Petit Thomas 7 2 109800
Guoga Tony 7 3 47200 1078 530.7 2713 65.01
Saout Antoine 7 4 120300 968 572.14 749 148.53
Salsberg Matt 7 5 229700 645 739.04 533 182.9
Soulier Fabrice 7 6 94000 62 1850.14 108 376.83
Boissenot Grégoire 7 7 76800
Ambraisse Idris 7 8 175200 14823 38.76
Benyamine David 7 9 137600 171 1357.03 377 219.28
Kalfon Franck 8 1 24200 1424 436.68 1434 102.62
Nitsche Dominik 8 2 92100 245 1148.48 590 173.41
Le Peuc’h Eric 8 3 23200
Cardyn Nicolas 8 4 126500 395 964.83 678 157.14
Charania Mohsin 8 5 196300 42 1951.84 42 492.28
Thorel Jean-Noël 8 6 83800 141 1467.44 254
Sonelin Jonnie 8 7 65800 9068 89.8
Behbehani Salman 8 8 56500 92 1664.94 529 183.74
Adams Timothy 8 9 156600 221 1225.55 97 384.19
Enjoubault Jacques 9 1 116500 9359 86.47 6738 28.82
Mattila Ville 9 2 91100 5439 147.94
Czajkowski Czeslaw 9 3 37200
Cassagne Tristan 9 4 84000
Abitbol Raphaël 9 5 105000
Wade Tristan 9 6 94000 138 1485.22 328 235.28
Daya Aadam 9 7 21500 407 951.12 440 202.02
Gruissem Philipp 9 8 280600 20 2209.28 216 291.42
Djorno Dan 9 9 62300 4533 174.2 3209 56.45
Cheong Kyle 11 1 124900 2934 253.27
Helppi Juha 11 2 222800 47 1920.63 104 379.09
Serock Joseph 11 3 114000 63 1837.86 51 457.17
Riehz Ludovic 11 4 23300
Rossiter Jeffrey 11 5 93900 892 599.12 4200 45.56
Julius Kyle 11 6 141200 76 1738.69 9 637.63
Balaj Ovi 11 7 115600 7372 110.7 5415 36.46
Douïeb Jérôme 11 8 108200
Duquenne Nicolas 11 9 88000
Caprioli Rodrigo 12 1 53100 248 1142.79 82 404.31
Touil Fabrice 12 2 140200 6856 119
Jorgensen Theo 12 3 126900
Collin Bryan 12 4 243300
Sacrispeyre Patrick 12 5 97800 3872 200.32
Roy Alain 12 6 30400 96 1628.4 48 467.55
Subtil Antonio 12 7 32000 4877 162.55 3382 54.18
Jazayeri Sean 12 8 105300 409 950.03 158 335.78
Heinanen Pasi 12 9 115400 6359 127.44 4190 45.63


Here is the chip count including the GPI scores:

Gruissem Philipp 9 8 280600 20 2209.28 216 291.42
Collin Bryan 12 4 243300
Salsberg Matt 7 5 229700 645 739.04 533 182.9
Helppi Juha 11 2 222800 47 1920.63 104 379.09
Fundaro Giacomo 5 9 216000 1896 352.21 6424 30.54
Charania Mohsin 8 5 196300 42 1951.84 42 492.28
Lellouche Antony 6 7 184800 398 962.73 1227 113.73
Quoss Fabian 5 7 178900 457 896.04 2080 79.23
Lichtenberger Andrew 6 1 178600 7 2423.38 5 713.68
Ambraisse Idris 7 8 175200 14823 38.76
Amara Daniel 5 5 167400 10041 79.62
Jaka Faraz 6 8 157400 184 1316.31 121 367.27
Jetten Peter 5 4 156600 710 689.28
Adams Timothy 8 9 156600 221 1225.55 97 384.19
Yaiche Basile 6 9 141700 436 923.96 920
Julius Kyle 11 6 141200 76 1738.69 9 637.63
Mercier Jason 5 8 140700 2 2708.51 21 555.99
Touil Fabrice 12 2 140200 6856 119
Benyamine David 7 9 137600 171 1357.03 377 219.28
Jorgensen Theo 12 3 126900
Cardyn Nicolas 8 4 126500 395 964.83 678 157.14
Cheong Kyle 11 1 124900 2934 253.27
Saout Antoine 7 4 120300 968 572.14 749 148.53
Enjoubault Jacques 9 1 116500 9359 86.47 6738 28.82
Balaj Ovi 11 7 115600 7372 110.7 5415 36.46
Heinanen Pasi 12 9 115400 6359 127.44 4190 45.63
Serock Joseph 11 3 114000 63 1837.86 51 457.17
Rohr Jean-Philippe 5 1 111500 144 1456.94 340 230.97
Petit Thomas 7 2 109800
Douïeb Jérôme 11 8 108200
Jazayeri Sean 12 8 105300 409 950.03 158 335.78
Abitbol Raphaël 9 5 105000
Lopes Bruno 6 5 101800 136 1488.22 50 462.72
Cajelais Erik 6 4 97800 61 1851.73 8 639.54
Sacrispeyre Patrick 12 5 97800 3872 200.32
Sanioglu Ekrem 6 6 95700 1737 377.14 1152 118.77
Soulier Fabrice 7 6 94000 62 1850.14 108 376.83
Wade Tristan 9 6 94000 138 1485.22 328 235.28
Rossiter Jeffrey 11 5 93900 892 599.12 4200 45.56
Nitsche Dominik 8 2 92100 245 1148.48 590 173.41
Mattila Ville 9 2 91100 5439 147.94
Duquenne Nicolas 11 9 88000
Cassagne Tristan 9 4 84000
Thorel Jean-Noël 8 6 83800 141 1467.44 254
Boissenot Grégoire 7 7 76800
Leconte Florian 5 3 75700
Kwieck Michael 5 2 75300
Sonelin Jonnie 8 7 65800 9068 89.8
Djorno Dan 9 9 62300 4533 174.2 3209 56.45
Behbehani Salman 8 8 56500 92 1664.94 529 183.74
Caprioli Rodrigo 12 1 53100 248 1142.79 82 404.31
Guoga Tony 7 3 47200 1078 530.7 2713 65.01
Czajkowski Czeslaw 9 3 37200
Grospellier Bertrand 5 6 33900 1 2811.07 12 597.93
Subtil Antonio 12 7 32000 4877 162.55 3382 54.18
Sinnathamby Rabythas 6 3 31800
Roy Alain 12 6 30400 96 1628.4 48 467.55
Neumann Marko 7 1 28700 254 1134.61 137 347.65
Alner Tom 6 2 24600 1168 498.76 626 166.25
Kalfon Franck 8 1 24200 1424 436.68 1434 102.62
Riehz Ludovic 11 4 23300
Le Peuc’h Eric 8 3 23200
Daya Aadam 9 7 21500 407 951.12 440 202.02


Here is a list of the players ranked according to their GPI score:

Grospellier Bertrand 5 6 33900 1 2811.07 12 597.93
Mercier Jason 5 8 140700 2 2708.51 21 555.99
Lichtenberger Andrew 6 1 178600 7 2423.38 5 713.68
Gruissem Philipp 9 8 280600 20 2209.28 216 291.42
Charania Mohsin 8 5 196300 42 1951.84 42 492.28
Helppi Juha 11 2 222800 47 1920.63 104 379.09
Cajelais Erik 6 4 97800 61 1851.73 8 639.54
Soulier Fabrice 7 6 94000 62 1850.14 108 376.83
Serock Joseph 11 3 114000 63 1837.86 51 457.17
Julius Kyle 11 6 141200 76 1738.69 9 637.63
Behbehani Salman 8 8 56500 92 1664.94 529 183.74
Roy Alain 12 6 30400 96 1628.4 48 467.55
Lopes Bruno 6 5 101800 136 1488.22 50 462.72
Wade Tristan 9 6 94000 138 1485.22 328 235.28
Thorel Jean-Noël 8 6 83800 141 1467.44 254
Rohr Jean-Philippe 5 1 111500 144 1456.94 340 230.97
Benyamine David 7 9 137600 171 1357.03 377 219.28
Jaka Faraz 6 8 157400 184 1316.31 121 367.27
Adams Timothy 8 9 156600 221 1225.55 97 384.19
Nitsche Dominik 8 2 92100 245 1148.48 590 173.41
Caprioli Rodrigo 12 1 53100 248 1142.79 82 404.31
Neumann Marko 7 1 28700 254 1134.61 137 347.65
Cardyn Nicolas 8 4 126500 395 964.83 678 157.14
Lellouche Antony 6 7 184800 398 962.73 1227 113.73
Daya Aadam 9 7 21500 407 951.12 440 202.02
Jazayeri Sean 12 8 105300 409 950.03 158 335.78
Yaiche Basile 6 9 141700 436 923.96 920
Quoss Fabian 5 7 178900 457 896.04 2080 79.23
Salsberg Matt 7 5 229700 645 739.04 533 182.9
Jetten Peter 5 4 156600 710 689.28
Rossiter Jeffrey 11 5 93900 892 599.12 4200 45.56
Saout Antoine 7 4 120300 968 572.14 749 148.53
Guoga Tony 7 3 47200 1078 530.7 2713 65.01
Alner Tom 6 2 24600 1168 498.76 626 166.25
Kalfon Franck 8 1 24200 1424 436.68 1434 102.62
Sanioglu Ekrem 6 6 95700 1737 377.14 1152 118.77
Fundaro Giacomo 5 9 216000 1896 352.21 6424 30.54
Cheong Kyle 11 1 124900 2934 253.27
Sacrispeyre Patrick 12 5 97800 3872 200.32
Djorno Dan 9 9 62300 4533 174.2 3209 56.45
Subtil Antonio 12 7 32000 4877 162.55 3382 54.18
Mattila Ville 9 2 91100 5439 147.94
Heinanen Pasi 12 9 115400 6359 127.44 4190 45.63
Touil Fabrice 12 2 140200 6856 119
Balaj Ovi 11 7 115600 7372 110.7 5415 36.46
Sonelin Jonnie 8 7 65800 9068 89.8
Enjoubault Jacques 9 1 116500 9359 86.47 6738 28.82
Amara Daniel 5 5 167400 10041 79.62
Ambraisse Idris 7 8 175200 14823 38.76
Collin Bryan 12 4 243300
Jorgensen Theo 12 3 126900
Petit Thomas 7 2 109800
Douïeb Jérôme 11 8 108200
Abitbol Raphaël 9 5 105000
Duquenne Nicolas 11 9 88000
Cassagne Tristan 9 4 84000
Boissenot Grégoire 7 7 76800
Leconte Florian 5 3 75700
Kwieck Michael 5 2 75300
Czajkowski Czeslaw 9 3 37200
Sinnathamby Rabythas 6 3 31800
Riehz Ludovic 11 4 23300
Le Peuc’h Eric 8 3 23200


Here is a list of the players ranked according to their POY score:

Lichtenberger Andrew 6 1 178600 7 2423.38 5 713.68
Cajelais Erik 6 4 97800 61 1851.73 8 639.54
Julius Kyle 11 6 141200 76 1738.69 9 637.63
Grospellier Bertrand 5 6 33900 1 2811.07 12 597.93
Mercier Jason 5 8 140700 2 2708.51 21 555.99
Charania Mohsin 8 5 196300 42 1951.84 42 492.28
Roy Alain 12 6 30400 96 1628.4 48 467.55
Lopes Bruno 6 5 101800 136 1488.22 50 462.72
Serock Joseph 11 3 114000 63 1837.86 51 457.17
Caprioli Rodrigo 12 1 53100 248 1142.79 82 404.31
Adams Timothy 8 9 156600 221 1225.55 97 384.19
Helppi Juha 11 2 222800 47 1920.63 104 379.09
Soulier Fabrice 7 6 94000 62 1850.14 108 376.83
Jaka Faraz 6 8 157400 184 1316.31 121 367.27
Neumann Marko 7 1 28700 254 1134.61 137 347.65
Jazayeri Sean 12 8 105300 409 950.03 158 335.78
Gruissem Philipp 9 8 280600 20 2209.28 216 291.42
Thorel Jean-Noël 8 6 83800 141 1467.44 254
Wade Tristan 9 6 94000 138 1485.22 328 235.28
Rohr Jean-Philippe 5 1 111500 144 1456.94 340 230.97
Benyamine David 7 9 137600 171 1357.03 377 219.28
Daya Aadam 9 7 21500 407 951.12 440 202.02
Behbehani Salman 8 8 56500 92 1664.94 529 183.74
Salsberg Matt 7 5 229700 645 739.04 533 182.9
Nitsche Dominik 8 2 92100 245 1148.48 590 173.41
Alner Tom 6 2 24600 1168 498.76 626 166.25
Cardyn Nicolas 8 4 126500 395 964.83 678 157.14
Saout Antoine 7 4 120300 968 572.14 749 148.53
Yaiche Basile 6 9 141700 436 923.96 920
Sanioglu Ekrem 6 6 95700 1737 377.14 1152 118.77
Lellouche Antony 6 7 184800 398 962.73 1227 113.73
Kalfon Franck 8 1 24200 1424 436.68 1434 102.62
Quoss Fabian 5 7 178900 457 896.04 2080 79.23
Guoga Tony 7 3 47200 1078 530.7 2713 65.01
Djorno Dan 9 9 62300 4533 174.2 3209 56.45
Subtil Antonio 12 7 32000 4877 162.55 3382 54.18
Heinanen Pasi 12 9 115400 6359 127.44 4190 45.63
Rossiter Jeffrey 11 5 93900 892 599.12 4200 45.56
Balaj Ovi 11 7 115600 7372 110.7 5415 36.46
Fundaro Giacomo 5 9 216000 1896 352.21 6424 30.54
Enjoubault Jacques 9 1 116500 9359 86.47 6738 28.82
Jetten Peter 5 4 156600 710 689.28
Cheong Kyle 11 1 124900 2934 253.27
Sacrispeyre Patrick 12 5 97800 3872 200.32
Mattila Ville 9 2 91100 5439 147.94
Touil Fabrice 12 2 140200 6856 119
Sonelin Jonnie 8 7 65800 9068 89.8
Amara Daniel 5 5 167400 10041 79.62
Ambraisse Idris 7 8 175200 14823 38.76
Collin Bryan 12 4 243300
Jorgensen Theo 12 3 126900
Petit Thomas 7 2 109800
Douïeb Jérôme 11 8 108200
Abitbol Raphaël 9 5 105000
Duquenne Nicolas 11 9 88000
Cassagne Tristan 9 4 84000
Boissenot Grégoire 7 7 76800
Leconte Florian 5 3 75700
Kwieck Michael 5 2 75300
Czajkowski Czeslaw 9 3 37200
Sinnathamby Rabythas 6 3 31800
Riehz Ludovic 11 4 23300
Le Peuc’h Eric 8 3 23200

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